marți, 17 februarie 2015

muslim eat pork but many of them just the dick.

how to make dynqmite. wach every man ruin his own life by getting married. he have a c4 in his pants.

how to atract womens ! you wanna know? be shy.

jesus christ was a humble man. he ate one time a week.

rule 6: eat one time a day.

an unguilty mastutbation its like free money. or bacon.

loose weight fast! kill yourself. guarantee.

i have ideas i am a genius! want to become creative? copy my words. and sell them in your soulll

the ultimate art of shadness is to be a nice man.

there is a heaven . here is a hell.

money really rules the world. you can have them. after you become more happy. more visual. go en get em .

the last chance,what would you do?

miercuri, 11 februarie 2015

Illuminatti in ro

Ce siti voi si eu nu stiu?
Ce stiu eu dar voi habar nu aveti?

Pentru CEi ce cred ca steroizii inca te fac mare ..
Pentru CEi ce fac bani nefacand mare lucre..

Solutia sta aici!

Sauna este un loc exceptional pentru sacrificial sau admirarea sau adorarea ori venerarea marelui ochi batran.
Venereaza si stai limpede de mancare.

PoateNbAfara vei arde sa vrei scapare.

Doar ea te salveaza , ea e virgina.

Ai incredere in noi,iti vrem binele.

Cum sa te lasi de fumat !

Fara farmacii

Sinucide te. Facand un simbol simplu si efficient indeed.
Start from today to quit smoking by

Accepting the cancer and letting the smoke more inside and more deep
Do not allow yourself to quit them
Enjoy them like last and the latest vicious thing for the single purpose to do : changing .

You gonna change it by not change.

I am online.

The time does not exist.
Blue eyes show fear because of the Speculation.

The time have one limited resource of stupidity: the clock.
Do we need one?
What Einstein told us about time?
What can we do? Should be the question,now you came home.


Blue eyes have nothing to do with mistic or even seduction,or how to get more money online selling your pictures on Facebook
Actually you can win more money on YouTube with this strategy but anyway..
Blue eyes are a good thing for human kind.
Are a bad thing for those who believe in God.
Satanist describe in secret -the veil of death- to be.

Blue eyes or time, accept them, destroy them.